Sat 6/22 @ 10AM-5PM
Sun 6/23 @ 10AM-4PM
Mulberry Creek Herb Farm is a hidden northeast Ohio treasure I keep turning people on to. The family-owned organic farm in Huron has the most extensive selection of herbs I’ve seen anywhere, along with succulents, fairy plants, scented geraniums, perennials and starters vegetable plants. It’s also got display garden, chickens, a picnic pavilion, and a meadow, plus fairy rooms and a miniature train scattered around the landscape. It’s a perfect place to just hang out, which they were urging people to do during the pandemic when there weren’t many places to go. And this year there’s something new: their son Ben, who worked for several area wineries after graduating from college, has come home to create a wine tasting room inside the big retail greenhouse. So you can come hang out and drink wine now!
A great time to come is their annual Herb Fest, taking place every year in late June at the end of the plating season. It’s a little different this year. This year it’s called Mulberry Market: Pairings, and the focus is on companion planting — plants that when planted together help each other grow. They say “We have renamed our June fair to widen our reach. We suspect ‘herbfair’ presented a narrow view while a few folks assumed it included formerly illegal activities of a certain herb. We will continue seek out and host vendors who create and proudly offer unique items that enhance our homes, gardens, bodies and our souls!”
They typically fill the front field with vendors of all types — heavy on home and garden décor but also jewelry, kitchen items, handcrafted art, candles, soaps, teas, jams and more — and the picnic shelter with talks and demonstrations. There’ll be home brewing classes each day at noon, and plenty of food and wine to purchase and enjoy in the (hopefully) nice summer weather. (Wine only on Saturday but the winery is open until 8pm that day.) As usual, Mitchell’s will be dipping out the ice cream. Other activities include astrology readings, book signings and face painting (Saturday only).
Admission is free.