Thu 6/6 @ 7PM
What can you say about legendary Cleveland DJ Billy Bass, whose brief trajectory through Cleveland radio in the late ’60s and early ’70s left a huge impact?
His stint at top 40 station WIXY 1260, then the area’s dominant station, made him a celebrity, and his Sunday night underground rock program on that powerful station, carried word about a new sound to a large audience. He left to helm album rock station WNCR and then jumped ship for WMMS as it was just laying down the roots for what would become the most dominant station in Cleveland radio history. His air staff included significant personalities such as Denny Sanders, David Spero and Martin Perlich, and in his short time there, he became known for being an early champion of David Bowie. As a result of the station’s heavy promotion, Bowie’s first show in America, at the 3,000-seat Cleveland Music Hall, sold out in advance, and he came back two months later to play two shows at 10,000-seat Public Hall.
Bass left the station in late 1972 for a career in the record business and artist management where he worked with a huge range of artists over the years before returning to Cleveland radio in the mid 90s. He’ll be sharing some of his incredible story (not enough time to share it all!) at the Music Box Supper Club as part of its Cleveland Stories series.
The program, which starts at 7, is free. Doors open at 5 for dinner; reservations are required for dinner. Go here.