Slow Roll Cleveland Takes a Pride Ride

Mon 6/3 @ 7PM

Every Monday night all summer (with as few holiday exceptions) Slow Roll Cleveland rolls out of a different location in Cleveland, offering cyclists of all ages and skill levels the opportunity to explore various corners of the city at a leisurely pace and to socialize with other riders.

On Monday June 3, the ride with roll out of Edgewater Park in the Detroit-Shoreway neighborhood and will likely draw a crowd as it’s a big cycling neighborhood. In addition, it’s the annual Pride Ride and that neighborhood is also a hub for the LGBTQ community. Sometimes rides number in the hundreds and that might be the case here. But all are welcome to join the mob!

Riders start assembling at 6pm to register (you can also pre-register online); the ride rolls out at 7. Representatives for the nearby LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland will be on hand with an information table. Show your colors; bring your rainbow banner. It’s free and open to all. Get more information here.


Cleveland, OH 44102

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