Micro Theatre CLE Debuts at the Brownhoist with Short Performances in Multiple Spaces

Fri 5/24 & Sat 5/25 @ 8-10PM

There’s a lot going on at the new creative space on St. Clair Avenue called the Brownhoist with artist and performance spaces throughout the building. And this weekend, Micro Theater CLE is hosting its first-ever event there. It involves a series of short performances — 15 minutes or less — in different spaces at the same location. It could be a short play, dance, comedy, poetry, live painting, music, performance — you never know what’ll be in the next room. There’ll be sixteen different performances, involving 60 performers in ten different spaces. Each show is performed three times during the evening. You can hurry from one room to another or take a break and have drink.

The concept has been done in other cities, and it’s being debuted in Cleveland, thanks to Mindy Herman, the power behind Cleveland Public Theatre’s monthly writer open mics The Dark Room; Cleveland actor/writer Samantha Cocco; and playwright/director Jon Morgan who recently moved back to Cleveland worked in Liverpool, New York and Austin.

The event (and beer) are free; make a reservation here. And if you get excited by the event and want to take part in the next one, hit them up at info@microtheatercle.com


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