Photographer Shares Tips on Shooting the Eclipse at Kent Brewery

Wed 4/3 @ 6PM

Eclipse, eclipse, eclipse — you’re probably hearing the increasingly deafening roar about the upcoming total solar eclipse on Monday April 8, with Cleveland in its so-called “path of totality.” It’s an event that won’t be repeated here until 2444!

Many out there, in their excitement, will start snapping photos, probably with their phone (I wonder what people will be recording it with in 2444?). But it’s not that easy and it’s not a good idea.

To find out what you need to know, you can join nature photographer and photo instructor Jerry L. Jividen at North Water Street Brewing in Kent, where you can enjoy some craft beers while he gives a talk on “The Science of Total Solar Eclipse Photography.”

He’ll show photos he’s taken of other eclipses and explain what it took to get those photos with tips on how to protect your eyes and your camera. He’ll also share interesting ways to use eclipse light without just aiming at the sun. The talk will be followed by a Q&A.

The talk is free and open to all.

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