No Exit’s “Year of Surreality” Includes Exhibit and Concert at Heights Arts

Fri 3/15 @ 7PM

Sat 3/16 @ 7PM

This season is the “Year of Surreality” for Cleveland’s No Exit New Music, and in collaboration they’ll be presenting a program called Piano Dada, a tip of the hat to Surrealism’s precursor.

This program includes piano music first presented at the 1920 Festival Dada and the 1923 Soirée du Coeur à Barbe, with many pieces written by artists associated with the Dadaist movement such as Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia and Elt Mesens, as well as a new experimental work inspired by the Dadaist, written by New Exit’s own Luke Rinderknecht.  The concert will feature films of key Dadaist poet/performer Tristan Tzara and No Exit performing Hugo Ball’s poem “Karawane” and live renditions of a new series of sound poems, plus pieces by Erik Satie, Igor Stravinsky, Darius Milhaud and Georges Auric, all contemporaries of the Dadaists.

They’re performing the program at several venues including, this weekend, at Kent State University’s Ludwig Hall on Friday March 15 and Heights Arts Gallery on Saturday March 16. At the latter venue, there’ll also be a “Dadaist/surrealist environment” called Irrational Objects: Backwards Into the Future, created by artists Jeremy Paul of Maelstrom Collaborative Arts, No Exit’s Timothy Beyer, photographer Steven Mastroianni and Edwin Wade, featuring elemnts of set design, abstraction, objects and kinetic sculpture.,  It’s described as “about making the connections between what was and what is in hopes of reaffirming the continued relevance of the dadaist-surrealist ideologies.” The exhibit will be on view through Saturday May 12.

No Exit’s concerts are always free and open to all. Go to for more information.

Theatre Dr, Kent, OH

Cleveland Heights, OH 44118

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