Build a Birdhouse to Attract Bluebirds at Liberty Park Nature Center

Sun 3/17 @ 1-2PM and 2:30-3:30PM

We’re back in daylight savings time, temperatures are getting warmer and spring is just days away. So now is a great time to think about making your yard and/or landscape more eco-friendly so you can enjoy the company of more birds, including those little chunks of sky, bluebirds.

To help you do that, a Summit Metro Parks naturalist will be hosting a program at its Liberty Park Nature Center called “Back Yards Gone Wild: DIY Bluebird Boxes.” There you’ll learn what attracts cavity-nesting birds such as bluebirds, chickadees and wrens and following the program, have the chance to make a bluebird box to take home. To get the free kit, you must register in advance and there’s a limit of one per household. Call 330-865-8065.

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