Loganberry Books Hosts Holiday Open House and Birthday Party for Itself

Wed 12/6 @ 6PM

While Loganberry Books’ annual holiday shop, Otis’ Curiosity Shop (named after the now retired store cat), has been open for a few weeks already, it’s just now hosting its Holiday Open House to invite people to browse the greatly expanding selection of gift-type items that overflow into its gallery annex. In addition, this year, the store will be celebrating its own 29th birthday.

Come see the array of gifts ranging from goofy to nostalgic, to intellectual fun. Cleveland Institute of Music violinist Minchae Kim will play from 6-7pm; with Cleveland fingerstyle acoustic guitarist Brian Henke providing music from 7-8:30pm. There’ll be free wine and cheese (fancy cheese, they promise!) as well as a raffle. It’s free and open to all.

Go here for more information.

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