Fri 10/13 @ 6-10PM
It’s time to get out those dancing shoes again and party down in a traditional Cleveland fashion
The National Cleveland-Style (Slovenian) Polka Hall of Fame is crossing an ethnic line to host its Harvest Ball at the American Croatian Lodge in Eastlake. There, accordion player Anthony Culkar and his orchestra will be cranking out the polka tunes and waltzes that keep the dance floor filled. Sandwiches and “nationality treats” will be available and, one presumes, the lodge’s well-stocked bar will be open as well. There’ll be raffles to add to the fun.
And Polka Hall members are free to show appreciation for their support. You can join at the door that evening! Those 18 and under are free as well.
Call -216-261-FAME. Reserve a table at 440-679-1420 or at
Eastlake, OH 44095