Mon 10/30 @ 6PM
Cleveland Public Theatre is starting something new this month: it’s hosting what it calls “First Monday Markets,” taking place an hour before the curtain of the Monday evening performance of each of its production — and giving people an extra reason to catch show on a Monday night.
Its current production, Jaiie Dayo Aliya’s Our Lady of Common Sorrows, sounds interesting enough to get you out the door on a Monday. In it, “The assumed immaculate conception of a 15-year-old honor student incites a crisis of faith for her family… reality dances with fantasy, everyone is suspect, and big questions are asked about God, faith, and the value of life.”
But the chance to see and purchase work by a handful of local makers is icing on the cake. Meet Shali Caver of Self Remedy who sells self-care and wellness reminders on journals, stickers, affirmation cards, mugs and more. And Ramika Evans of All Kreative Genres, a handmade craft store featuring one-of-a-kind items. And visual artist/graphic designer Lacy Talley, who blends art with inspiration.
Get more info and tickets here.