Fri 10/13 @ 6-10PM
Laura D’Alessandro is on of the three founders/directors of the Cleveland Photo Fest, which just concluded its 4th run in September. And while plans are well underway for the 5th event next year, she’s working on ideas to keep area photographers and photography buffs engaged year-round.
She’s jumped right in with a show called “Art of the Trade: Artists Collecting Artists,” taking pace at Tremont’s Doubting Thomas Gallery and opening during this month’s Walkabout Tremont.
“Artists have the most fabulous art collections!” she says. “Often artists tend to trade their work or gift it to other artists. My intent is to showcase some of the photographic talent of Cleveland based artists whom I have traded work with and whose passion for what they do energizes me.”
She’ll be exhibiting the art she’s traded for in the gallery, and she’s invited the artists to leave a multiple or similar piece for sale. In addition, she’ll be shooting portraits of the artists in the show from which she’ll create on of her signature lenticular images (similar to the “wiggle pictures” seen on toys and promotional buttons) which will hang next to the artist’s work. The artist will receive that photo at the end of the show.
The opening event will feature lots of activity, with artists hanging out and taking each other’s photos, people invited to wear costumes and, at 8pm, a set of very aggressive noise by Fellahean, described as “Cleveland, Ohio subterranean industrial noise artist who revels in decay and collapse. Harsh noise, low droning, metal scraping, and ear gouging is prevalent in his work.” Another CPF co-founder Jim Szudy is a participant in this. If it’s not your thing, don’t leave —there’s plenty of room to hang out on the sidewalk or the alley next to the building.
The event is free and open to all.
More info here.
Cleveland, OH 44113