Midnight Syndicate Returns to Cedar Point With Eerie Halloween Shows

Through Sat 10/28

Cleveland duo Midnight Syndicate — Gavin Goszka and Edward Douglas — has found a special niche that has proven highly successful. For more than 20 years, they’ve been composing and recording eerie, macabre music that has been used at haunted attractions across the country. Their music has been the soundtrack of Cedar Point’s HalloWeekends since 1998. It proved so popular that they created multimedia shows to take their horror-themed sound to the next level, debuting their first show in 2014.

They’re now back at Cedar Point Fridays and Saturdays through Saturday October 28 with a new show called “Echoes from the Brimstone Club with Midnight Syndicate,” inspired by their 15th album The Brimstone Club, which was released in August, just ahead of this year’s run of Cedar Point Show.

“Appearing from the darkest recesses of the mind is a club filled fantastical sights and sinister shocks,” they warn. “Midnight Syndicate brings the music, you bring the screams. The evening promises to be a real nightmare.”

They add, “This year’s show is unlike any Midnight Syndicate’s ever done. Having the show on Celebration Plaza Stage is allowing us to try new things and give guests something different from year’s past.”

All shows start at 8pm. Get tickets here.



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