Tue 8/15 @ 7PM
The Tuesday Tap Talks are back at Kent’s North Water Brewing, a chance to enjoy some locally brewed craft beers and ales while learning something about Kent’s history and its current issues.
This month’s talk with revolve around a business name that’s very familiar in Kent — as well as in much of northeast Ohio: Davey Tree Company. The Kent-based landscaping company was founded in 1880 and has been employee-owned since 1979, and is considered one of the nation’s pioneers in tree care, serving everyone from individual homeowners to sprawling commercial businesses to government agencies.
Matt Fredmonsky, the company’s manager of corporate content, is the author of a new book called Growth Rings,which covers the company’s story from 1962 through 2020. It’s a follow-up to the 1977 book Green Leaves, about the company’s founding, written by Robert E. Pfleger.
“The purpose of the book, aside from detailing the modern history of Davey Tree, is to tell the stories of the employees who have made this company such a huge success,” says Fredmonsky. “Davey has always been and continues to be a company focused on people, so I hope that current and future generations of employees will read Growth Rings and come away with an understanding that Davey is all about our people whether they are employees, clients, or our shareholders.”
Fredmonsky will be talking at North Water Brewing about the history covered in the books and how they entwine with Kent’s history. The program is free. Presumably, he’ll have his book available for sale, one hopes.