Eat Your Way Across Town During Cleveland Burger Week

Mon 7/10-Sun 7/16

Who doesn’t like a hamburger, the all-American food? Even those of us who’ve been vegetarians for decades love to pile onion, tomato and lettuce on a veggie burger at Tommy’s on Coventry — and no, the “Impossible Burger” doesn’t count — it’s highly processed and unhealthy.

Cleveland Burger Week will satisfy every taste in burgers with more than 50 participating locations — way more than you usually see a ones of these “[fill in the blank] food weeks.” They’re upscale eateries and funky pubs, Asian and Italian restaurants, breweries and music clubs, JACK Casino and a spot (Swenson’s) whose entire thing is selling hamburgers all the time.

During that time each will offer $7 hamburger specials. Each will have its own twist and some will even offer beer pairings (There are a LOT of breweries on the list). There’s also a Burger Week app where you can check in from a participating location; once you check in at four locations, you’ll be entered to win $20 in gift cards.

Find a list of all the locations and more info at


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