Double Your Polka Fun at the SNPJ Farm in Kirtland

Sun 7/16 @ 1-7PM

It’s time once again to put on your most comfortable shoes and head out to the SNPJ Slovenia Farm in Kirtland to spend an afternoon dancing to “the happiest sound around,” the lively strains of Cleveland-style (Slovenian) polkas and smooth waltzes.

Two well-known local band leaders, both inducted into the Cleveland-style Polka Hall of Fame, will be onstage leading their orchestras: Eddie Rodick and Jeff Pecon (son of another polka legend Johnny Pecon).

Gates open at noon and the kitchen starts serving up dinners and sandwiches featuring roast beef or Slovenian sausage, or a fried bologna sandwich. You can play balina, the Slovenian version of bocce, as well. Admission is just $10; 18 and under are free.

For more information, call 440-256-3423.

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