Sat 6/10 @ noon
Like everything else, the Cleveland Museum of Art’s long-running and much-beloved Parade the Circle event vanished into pandemic shutdown in 2020, And when the news came out that CMA had let go its founder and director Robin VanLear, and the event only returned in scaled-down form lacking the magic of the big event at Wade Oval, its future didn’t look hopeful.
But it’s finally back for the 31st time, with a new director and lead artist, Cleveland artist Héctor Castellanos Lara. And once again, community groups of all types — families, schools, churches, neighbor groups, friends — will get to show off the costumes, masks, props, puppets and floats they’ve been creating in workshops and on their own for the past several months.
This year’s theme is transformation and Castellanos Lara says, “Like the transformation of a dragonfly, we all need change in our lives to grow, self-reflect and adapt to any environment or circumstance we may face.”
This arts-based parade is free of political advertising and business promotions & features no motorized vehicles, just participants on foot, flaunting the decorative work they’ve made. The parade around Wade Oval starts at noon in front of CMA. From 10am-4pm in Wade Oval there’ll be food, live music and hands-on activities. The Cleveland Museum of Natural History will be offering free admission. CMA, of course, is always free.