Come Express Yourself a B-Side Open Mic Poetry Night

Wed 5/10 @ 7PM

If you’re sitting around your house on a Wednesday mulling over your poetry or lyrics and congratulating yourself on how creative you are, maybe you should find out how you go over in front of a live audience. The People Poetry Slam at the B Side Lounge takes place every second and fourth Wednesday of the month, and welcomes not only poets but singers, dancers, comics, whatever expresses YOUR creativity.

No props or musical accompaniment are allowed—it’s just you. And you must be presenting your original work. They say, “Performances are limited to 1 piece or 5 minuets/whichever happens first” but we’re pretty sure they don’t mean you have to do old-fashioned ballroom dances!

Doors open at 6:30pm and you should get there early if you want to sign up to perform.  Admission is $5, $7 for 18-21.

 B-Side Poetry Slam

Cleveland Heights, OH 44106

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