Assembly for the Arts Holds its First Annual Art Ball

Sat 5/13 @ 9PM

Assembly for the Arts is a new arts advocacy nonprofit, and in just over a year since it’s been in existence, it’s done a lot to reach out to the area’s artists and start to engage them, to mollify some of the hard feelings and ruffled feathers caused by confusion around how much of the arts tax money actually reaches those who create. Its president/CEO Jeremy Johnson has been everywhere trying to get to know everybody, helping to regain the trust of the artists, which will be essential to renewing/expanding the arts tax which expires in 2027.

Now the organization is holding its first annual Art Ball benefit to showcase Cleveland’s arts community and raise money to continue to support it. It’s saying that this will be its signature event going forward, and tickets to the opening event, with dinner, cocktails, awards and a program for the high rollers are sold out.

But the rest of the community can still snag the lower priced tickets for the afterparty, kicking off at 9pm at the Madison. It includes a full bar, desserts and a dance performance by 10K Movement

Get tickets here.

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