Learn Why We Eat What We Do at CMNH Program

Wed 4/12 @ 6PM

If “you are what you eat” as the saying goes, then the food you choose is a big deal.

Dr. Nicole Burt, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s Curator of Human Health and Evolutionary Medicine, has some thoughts (and expertise) on the topic, which she’ll share at a program called “Understanding Dietary Choices: A Biocultural Approach.”

The program will feature a lecture by Dr. Burt on how food impacts health, driven by her research in two different communities: the Pacific Islands of Vanuatu and Cleveland. (Why do I think Vanautu is going to come out on top?) She’ll be exploring how our food choices are not entirely based on individual choices but are largely dictated by what’s available in our local food system. Vanautu has no McDonald’s.

Dr. Burt goes beyond simple “processed food vs. veggies.” Her work, we’re told “combines survey data with dietary reconstructions using stable isotope analysis. This combination of methods allows her to understand how people’s dietary practice aligns with their understanding of what they eat and why they eat it.”

While the lecture is recommended for ages 14 and up, the evening also includes child-friendly activities, including the chance to check out real human organs showing how different nutrients affect health, demos with the museum’s live animal ambassadors, and a bingo game with prizes. There’ll be hands-on activities for the youngest kids too. An adult must be with any child under 14.

Go here for full schedule and tickets.

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