Sat 4/22 @ 10AM-3PM
Zoos these days are all about educating people about conservation: sharing what threatens the world’s animals population and protecting the habitats whose loss is a threat to their existence.So it’s natural that the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo celebrates Earth Day each year with its Party for the Planet with special programming that’s free with regular admission.
All day, from 10:30am to 3pm, zookeepers will be hosting presentations, sharing how the animals are cared for and even demonstrating animal enrichment activities. You can see how they meet the needs of koalas (more eucalyptus, please!) monkeys, cheetahs and elephants, and watch them as they play with otters (who don’t need much encouragement to play) sloth bears and tigers. Well, tigers depending on their mood; they’re cats, after all.
In addition, there’ll be an “earth friendly” vendor village, an electric vehicle display, and a Nature Tracks vehicle from 10am-3pm, and performances by the St. Edward’s Trash Talkers percussion ensemble between 10am and 2pm.