PHOTOSTREAM: Moor Mother/Mourning [A] BLKStar @ Cleveland Museum of Art by Anastasia Pantsios

03.24.2023 Moor Mother etc @ CMA

Fri 3/24

The free concert, Toward a Different Kind of Horizon, at the Cleveland Museum of Art was a collaboration between several artists, including poet/singer Moor Mother, a trio of vocalists and Cleveland ensemble Mourning [A] BLKStar. It also featured musician/visual artist Lonnie Holley, only not in the auditorium: he was, we were told, in a hotel a half mile away, having been diagnosed with COVID. Still his art impacted the music via projections and recorded quotes.

Mourning [A] BLKstar’s music set the mood (s) for Moor Mother’s powerful words, some read, some recited, some incantatory. The musicians fed off each other, danced around each other, drew out one parts, emphasized others, as they improvised an evening of sound and words.

View the PHOTOSTREAM here.

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