Activists Start Gathering Signatures to Put Reproductive Choice on the November Ballot


Good news came Monday morning, March 13, for Representatives of Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom and Ohio Physicians for Reproductive Rights, the coalition working to put a reproductive rights issue on the November ballot.

After submitting the initial signatures, along with the ballot, the Ohio Ballot Board approved the “Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety” constitutional amendment, saying that it complies with Ohio’s single-subject rule.

This approval means that the organizations can now start sending out organizers and volunteers with petitions to collect the 413,000 valid signatures they need by July 5 in order to qualify for the 2003 general election in November. Their goal is to collect at least 700,000 in order to assure that they have enough valid signatures from registered voters. The organizations have already been holing trainings for signature gatherers.

“Today’s decision means that Ohioans are one step closer to being able to vote for reproductive freedom on the ballot this fall, and volunteers across Ohio are ready to put in the work to place this amendment on the ballot,” says Lauren Blauvelt of Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom. “This initiative puts Ohioans back in charge of their own personal healthcare decisions.”

“We have cleared two critical bureaucratic hurdles, and are excited to move into the next phase of our effort,” adds Kellie Copeland of Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom. “Ohioans strongly support this effort to secure reproductive freedom and keep government actors from infringing on every Ohioan’s right  to make their own health care decisions.”

Volunteer trainings continue. There’s one Thursday March 16 @ 7PM. Sign up here. (It’s virtual so it’s an easy way to learn what’s involved).

For more information and to stay up to date on the effort go to or


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