Stay Warm Inside at Walkabout Tremont

Fri 1/13 @ 6-10PM

The January theme for the monthly Walkabout Tremont is “Winter Warmer which means all the action will be inside the neighborhood’s restaurants, bars, galleries and shops, with the street stuff mostly dormant until spring (You might find one or two intrepid street musicians outside but don’t count on it.)

Instead, take advantage of the food and rink specials offered by the area’s glut of eateries and drinkeries, check out ongoing shows at Kaiser Gallery (which doubles as a cocktail bar), currently showing Ethan Samaha’s solo show, Lateral Perspectives, and Doubting Thomas, where Quiet Spaces & Hectic Places, offers contrasts in photography. And as usual, photographer Paul Duda will have his gallery open, featuring his dramatic views of Cleveland.

You can also take in some live music at CODA or improv at Imposters Theatre, do some shopping for clothes and accessories at Banyan Tree, or browse reading material at Visible Voice Books. Go here for more information.


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