Lustre Kings Celebrate Elvis’s Birthday at the Beachland

Wed 1/11 @ 7PM

On this day in 1935 Elvis Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi. By the time he died in August 1977 at the age of 42 he had changed the face of popular music. No matter how many rock  & roll trends come and go, his name is pretty much known to everyone, despite his final years as a cheesy, overweight Las Vegas act in a rhinestone-laden white jumpsuit.

So there are numerous celebrations of his birthday each year. One will be taking place at the Beachland Tavern with the well-traveled Lustre Kings, featuring guitarist Mark Gamsjager. The band’s been kicking around since the mid 1990s, playing all sorts of venues, festivals and special events with their country/R&B/early rock sound. They even did a bunch of tours as the backing band for 50s rockabilly sweetheart (and 2009 Rock Hall inductee) Wanda Jackson. So they’re experts at capturing that rock & roll vibe from the 50s, when Elvis was in his prime.

The Beachland is also promising “Elvis food specials.” Will they have the peanut butter, banana and bacon sandwiches he loved? Go and find out.


Lustre Kings

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