CMNH Leads Hike to Look for Owls & Salamanders in Medina Sanctuary

Great Horned Owl

Sat 2/4 @ 10AM-1PM

Even in the dead of winter, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History offers opportunities for hardy nature lovers to get outside and learn about the natural world firsthand.

This Saturday, it’s offering a moderately paced hike in its Medina Sanctuary Preserve (which is normally closed to the public) called “Seeking Owls.” Museum naturalists Garrett Ormiston and Ken Schneider will lead the group to find signs of screech and barred owls, as well as great horned owls, which inhabit this sanctuary.

In addition, dovetailing World Wetlands Day February 2, the group will get to explore the floodplain’s channel ponds—mini-wetlands that serve as breeding grounds for amphibians. “The ponds may still be iced over, but if it’s warm, we may spot some of the first signs of spring: small-mouthed salamanders looking for a mate — even in the snow, they say.

The hike is $35 for non-members and because February is member appreciation month, it’s free for memberships. A membership is $70, so if you join (go here), you’ve already made back half the price of your membership.

Register for the hike here.


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