WRHS Opens Show on Cleveland Outsider Artist Albert Wagner

Thu 9/22 @ noon-8PM

The Rev. Albert Wagner, moved to Cleveland from Alabama when he was in his teens and worked as a furniture mover until 1974 when he had a “divine revelation” that he should become an artist. From then until his death in 2006 at the age of 83, he painted and painted and painted, using anything he could find to create his visionary works of painting and sculpture in the genre usually dubbed “outsider” or “folk” art. Like many such artists, his work was driven by his very personal spiritual visions.

It was in the 1990s that the wider community became aware of his work, Articles began to appear about him, and collectors and museums acquired his pieces. Since his death, there have been several rumblings of a museum dedicated to his work — the first was supposed to be at his former home in East Cleveland, which turned out to be in too poor shape to be saved. Now the museum project has found a home in the Collinwood neighborhood where a plan is currently being developed to preserve, show and promote his work.

In the meantime, the Western Reserve Historical Society is opening an exhibit called Black Moses: The Art of Rev. Albert Wagner, which should help increase interest in and draw attention to the museum project. The opening reception is Thursday September 22 @ 6-8pm. It’s free with regular admission.



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