Tue 08/02
Our reproductive rights have been stripped, and it’s imperative that we elect pro-choice representatives who are in line with the majority of Ohioans who want access to reproductive health care.
Take your outrage to the polls and defeat extremist politicians and replace them with honest, hard-working men and women who represent our values.
Respect the vote. Get out and register new voters. Help those who need it get to the polls. And make every effort to get out the vote in your circle. You can make a difference.
2022 Candidates:
For U.S. Senate
Rep. Tim Ryan
For Governor
Nan Whaley
For Lt. Governor
Cheryl Stephens
For Ohio Supreme Court
Justice Jennifer Brunner
Judge Marilyn Zayas
Judge Terri Jamison
For Secretary of State
Chelsea Clark
For Ohio Attorney General
Jeff Crossman
For State Auditor
Taylor Sappington
For State Treasurer
Scott Schertzer
Congressional Candidates
District 1:
Greg Landsman
District 2:
Samantha Meadows
District 3:
Joyce Beatty
District 4:
Tamie Wilson
District 5:
Craig Swartz
District 6:
Louis Lyras
District 7:
Matthew Diemer
District 8:
Vanessa Enoch
District 9:
Marcy Kaptur
District 11:
Shontel Brown
District 13:
Emilia Sykes
District 14:
Matthew Kilboy
Photo by Thomas Mulready