Sun 7/31 @ 4-7PM
Last year, Kelly Pontoni of Artists Archives of the Western Reserve organized a show called CONVERGE, featuring 80 artists who identify as being part of the LGBTQ+ community. It took place at five venues across northeast Ohio.
Unfortunately, due to its schedule, the Gallery at Lakeland Community College couldn’t take part, but its director Mary Urbas invited Pontoni to guest curator a show on the same theme there. Queer Pulse …The Ripple Effect opened last week and will be on view through September 9, featuring 79 works by 20 artists. This Sunday July 31, there’ll be an artist reception at the gallery.
“Queer Pulse will be my third curated LGBTQ+ exhibition in less than a year,” says Pontoni. “CONVERGE was a city wide show, held in five venues, with about 80 artists. One of my missions was to canvas Northeast Ohio with Queer art.
This exhibition was a little different. I wanted to revisit some of the artists in CONVERGE and see what they were currently working on or work that they have been holding onto waiting for the right show. With only 20 artists and the spacious gallery at Lakeland Community College the focus was on a small collection of work from each artist, a variety or series.”
Artists include printmaker Karen D. Beckwith (whose work is shown above), paper/book artist Gene Epstein, textile artist Jessica Pinsky, painter/collage artist Mark Howard and ceramicist Mark Yasenchack. Other artists featured are Melissa Bloom, Sam Butler, Arykah Carter, Ray Caspio, Joe Dill, Nancy Halbrooks, Michael W. High, Lillith Horschke, Jackson Kennedy, Josie (Ben) Krampitz, Max Markwald, Randy Maxim, Dan Rothenfeld, John Saile and Jan Zorman.