Sat 5/28 @ 6-9PM
Cleveland Institute of Art rising senior Derek Walker is wasting no time in getting his work a public airing. The painting major, who’s a graduate of the Cleveland School of the Arts, has put together a solo show of his work called Let the Cape Fly, which will open at Case Western Reserve University’s Art Studio Gallery (2215 Adelbert Road)with a public reception this Friday May 28 @ 6-9pm.
The show focuses on the durag (or doo-rag), a sort of scarf/skullcap traditional used in Black culture to protect intricate hair styles. The artist states says the show addresses “the significance of the durag while also responding to the historical stigmatization the cloth has faced by reclaiming it through the lens of Afrofuturism. These figurative works look toward the future by hinting at space travel while other works pay homage to his hometown of Cleveland.”
The show will be on view Through June 5. Learn more about the artist at or @derekwalkerart on Instagram.