Vibe Garden Concert Featuring Jazz NY Band Moon Hooch Moved to Masonic Auditorium

Sat 4/2 @ 7PM

Greyt Culture’s event series at Saucy Brew Works’ Vibe Garden in Hingetown, its outdoor beer garden, sounded like a great idea, with a terrific lineup of music, a light show, art installations, beer and food — and then the neighbors complained about congestion and noise. Yeah, we know. Congestion and noise pretty much define Hingetown.

Those complaints and non-responsiveness from the city in time to get the event rolling, despite Greyt Culture’s Thomas Fox appealing to the public to lean on it, have caused the concert part of the event to be moved to the Mason Auditorium’s Demolay Room. There New York-based sax duo Moon Hooch will headline the show with their jazzy dance music. Cleveland pop singer/songwriter Londin Thompson, who is signed with Republic Records, and electronica keyboard player Jason Leech will still be the opening acts. The atmosphere may not be as festival-like but the music should be smokin’.

Tickets are $30.



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