Cleveland’s BorderLight Festival Is Seeking Performers for July Event

Photo by Steve Wagner

Through 2/20

Cleveland’s BorderLight Festival, showcasing theater and other diverse performances, debuted in 2019 promising to be yearly, but quickly realized that the work involved was a heavy lift for an annual event and announced it would be a biennial — just in time, because 2020 would’ve been wiped out by the pandemic.

The festival came back in 2021 as a virtual event, but now it’s ready to return to downtown Cleveland will a full schedule of live performances July 20-24. And it’s currently seeking performers/ensembles, both new and established.

“We’re seeking all varieties of theatrical performances,” they say. “The BorderLight Festival offers a culturally, racially, and geographically diverse program representing a variety of theatrical approaches, styles, topics, and genres including (but not limited to): Theatre, Physical/Movement/Dance Theatre, Circus, Street Theatre, Burlesque, Children’s Theatre, Performance Art, Stand Up Comedy, Site-Specific Work, and MORE!

They add that “Work can be indoors, outdoors, pop-up, and in a multitude of genres.” And artists keep 70% of their box office revenue.

Deadline to submit is Sunday February 20. For an application and more information about submitting, go to


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