Knowing full well how calculating, callous and downright cold-blooded this might come off, it’s nonetheless struck me how rock-ribbed Republicans might be shooting themselves in the foot, if not completely blowing their feet completely off. It’s simply a matter of numbers, mathematics if you will.
As the more deadly version of Covid 19, the Delta variant, is beginning spread like wildfire in heavily red states like Florida, Missouri and Texas, conservatives in those states continue to frame a healthcare/medical issue like the coronavirus in political terms and steadfastly refuse to get vaccinated. And with folks like Tucker Carlson constantly feeding them a steady stream of total nonsense on Fox News every night (while probably being vaccinated himself) the unvaccinated are digging their heels in more firmly, in spite of overwhelming evidence that those who are being admitted to hospitals — and in some cases dying — are those who eschew getting vaccinated.
As these unvaccinated folks continue to congregate at events (like in Branson, the hillbilly capitol of Missouri) in large numbers without masks, they are putting themselves and their families at huge risk. But they view their actions as an article of faith, as being supportive of their wacky leader, Donald Trump.
Politics, however, is a numbers game. The more voters from the right that refuse to believe reality, the more of them will die off, leaving the political field wide open to progressives, who, for the most part, believe the scientists and have gotten themselves vaccinated.
Therefore, their reluctance to get the vaccine just might be a blessing in disguise for the left. Trump’s silly bleating aside, dead people really can’t vote in America. Hey, I warned you this was cold-blooded.
2 Responses to “MANSFIELD: A Blessing in Disguise?”
Hank Wait
I’ve been thinking that for awhile.
I was thinking this months ago, even before the Delta variant was big news. Well, they did say they will die for their beliefs, including DT…