Sat 5/8 @ noon-3PM
The current exhibit at the Yards Project in the Warehouse District’s Worthington Yards apartments is called Threshold: Drawn to Paint. It features ten northeast Ohio artists whose work combines aspects of drawing and painting.
As the exhibit’s statement explains, “One of the methods painters often use is to place an initial drawing on the surface using graphite or charcoal. This is the just the beginning, or the threshold to how painters begin to vision their works. Since drawing is capable of producing lines — the one thing that doesn’t exist in nature — it is important to keep the mindset of a painter and allow it to emerge. Painters traditionally rely on shapes of value and color to define the painting instead of the line of the draftsman (another topic in itself). One way of keeping the attitude of a painter is to use a brush and make things soluble. Whether by spreading pastel with a wet solution, or a watercolor underpainting, acrylic, oil or another wet start that soon achieves the painterly aesthetic.”
The show encompassed interior, portraits, still lives and abstracts by Anna Arnold, Lizzi Aronhalt, Davon Brantley, Ian Burleson, Alexandria Couch, Ryan Craycraft, Amirah Cunningham, Sarah Curry, Todd Hoak, Mark Howard, Morgan Mansfield, Lauren McKenzie, and Dan Miller.
This week, there’ll be extended gallery hours on Saturday May 8 from noon-3pm. The show will be on view through Saturday June 26.