Thu 5/6 @ 1PM
The Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage currently has an exhibit called Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, dedicated to the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice, a feminist icon who was devoted to human rights and civil rights.
As part of the programming around the exhibit, Interplay Jewish Theatre’s Playreading Club is looking at another feminist icon: journalist/writer/activist Gloria Steinem, a key figure in the women’s movement starting with the upsurge of feminism in the late 60s and early 70s.
As one of the most attractive of the era’s prominent feminists (she went undercover as a Playboy Bunny to report on their treatment for a magazine article), she was able to dodge some of the brickbats thrown at feminists by conservatives — “too ugly to get a man” — and perversely that helped her be taken seriously. Now 87, she’s remained active; she spoke at the Women’s March in D.C. in 2017.
The play Gloria — A Life was written by Emily Mann and was broadcast in 2002 on the PBS series Great Performances with an all-woman cast. Interplay Jewish Theater’s Faye Sholitan will lead participants in reading and talking about the play.
You can order a script here, and register for the playreading here. It’s $5 or free for Maltz members. Participants will receive a Zoom link shortly before the event starts.