You Can Finally See the Baby Tigers at the Cleveland Zoo!

The news we have been waiting for has arrived! The Cleveland Metroparks Zoo has announced that the three baby tiger cubs they’ve been caring for — two born on Christmas at the zoo, another born at the Tulsa Zoo around the same time — have taken up residence in the zoo’s Rosebrough Tiger Passage tiger habitat, also home to its two adult tigers, as of April 13.

This means that the public will finally be able to visit and watch them as they cavort in the habitat’s four areas.  It’s the first time in 20 years zoo visitors can see tiger cubs. While they’re getting used to their new home, the cubs will out from 10am-noon each day.

Watch this video and you will want to rush out to the zoo immediately! Take your cuteness overload antidote pills with you.The zoo is open daily from 10am-5pm.


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