CMNH Celebrates Women in Science

Sat 2/13 @ 9AM-6PM

Each year the Cleveland Museum of Natural History marks International Day of Woman and Girls in Science, with “Celebrating Women in Science,” a day’s worth of activities led by the many women scientists on the museum’s own staff. Have conversations, watch demos, take virtual lab tours, and hear talks by women engaged in research and education and learn about potential careers in the sciences. Throughout the day, different programs are geared toward different age groups, from kids to high school and college students and even adults.

Women from CMNH’s Museum’s Invertebrate Zoology, Vertebrate Paleontology, Human Health & Evolutionary Medicine, Vertebrate Zoology and Ornithology departments will be on hand to talk about what they do and how they got into their chose fields, as well as to answer questions from visitors about pursuing a career in the sciences. Find a schedule of events here.

Register in advance to attend the virtual programs here.


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