Alas, the second annual Cleveland Photo Fest, which was scheduled to take place in the fall of 2020, never happened. But that gave the organizers more time to take a look at the first event in 2019, and mull over ways to make an even bigger, stronger event.
One of the key aspects will be a trio of exhibits open to submissions from international artists, with entries being accepted now: Furtography (A Dog Show), Deja Nude (Not Another Nude Show) and Dear Diary (For Women Only). All will be on display at the Bostwick Design Center in May/June 2021, along with several solo shows, and I Identify As, featuring portraits by people of color shooting white photographers and vice versa.
To find a entry form, go here. To sign up to receive updates about the Cleveland Photo Fest: Photothon 2021, go here.