Cleveland Photo Fest Photothon 2021 Opens Entries for Three Shows

Alas, the second annual Cleveland Photo Fest, which was scheduled to take place in the fall of 2020, never happened. But that gave the organizers more time to take a look at the first event in 2019, and mull over ways to make an even bigger, stronger event.

One of the key aspects will be a trio of exhibits open to submissions from international artists, with entries being accepted now: Furtography (A Dog Show), Deja Nude (Not Another Nude Show) and Dear Diary (For Women Only). All will be on display at the Bostwick Design Center in May/June 2021, along with several solo shows, and I Identify As, featuring portraits by people of color shooting white photographers and vice versa.

To find a entry form, go here. To sign up to receive updates about the Cleveland Photo Fest: Photothon 2021, go here.

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