MANSFIELD: Something Is Going to Give, One Way or Another

Our beloved country is going to split in two like an overripe watermelon that’s been laying in the sun too long if we don’t come to our collective senses sooner rather than later. We’re about to take the joke way past Broadway with all this petty bickering back and forth between the Left and the Right, and it’s our children — and their children — that will suffer the consequences of being left with a fractured nation.

Let’s face it, our good ’ol Uncle Sam is on life support. He looks for all the world like he’s at death’s door after coming down with a severe case of Covid-19, yet all of his tests have come back negative. No, he’s actually dying from another disease — he’s been overexposed to the current poisoned national political environment.

One way this stalemate could end (and just because I’m giving voice to an idea doesn’t necessarily mean that I endorse what I’m pointing out — but then again I might) is for all of tRump’s KoolAid guzzlers to continue to believe in the nonsense he’s peddling. If they do that their numbers are going to be greatly reduced via death as they steadfastly refuse to take the vaccination when it becomes available.

It’s already become an article of faith among many members of the far-right base that to get the vaccine is akin to treason. They’ll probably have armed militia types patrolling the entrances to hospitals and clinics seeking to identify right-wingers who are breaking weak and going in for the vaccination to save their — and their families’ — lives.

Literally millions upon millions of our fellow citizens have gone so far around the bend they’re willing to put their lives on the line for what they believe, and they only believe what they are being told by madmen and women. They’re in a deadly echo chamber and are being fed a continuous diet of misinformation by Fox News.

This is a recipe for a mass die-off of folks on the right.

Still licking their wounds from tRump’s almost preordained loss to Joe Biden, his devout followers are on the horns of a dilemma, at a moral crossroads. Akin to Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the Wind, they see their world crumbling around them and they are at a loss over what to do about it. This confusion makes them vulnerable to all kinds of complete and utter nonsense.

This is going to get crazy dangerous. After all, it’s only one election (easy for me to say that since our side won) and the other side should take it gracefully and bide their time until 2024 when they get another crack at the presidency, but don’t hold your breath waiting for something that makes so much sense to happen.

What may be necessary for a de-escalation of the political tensions plaguing the country to occur (and something no one might be able to stop at this point) is for the “herd to thin.” The number of deaths among those who refuse to even acknowledge the existence of Covid-19, and therefore refuse to take commonsense precautions to prevent it is going to be high. Those folks can get in that long-assed line over there as they wait for the funeral director. The rest of us want to live.

So it’s a good chance the undeclared cold civil war we’ve been in for years now just might end with a whimper rather than a bang. The one thing our leaders — even by them publicly getting vaccinated themselves— probably won’t be able to do is overcome the wild conspiracy theories that abound and reinstitute a modicum of commonsense.

Some of our fellow citizens are too filled with hatred to even begin to listen. It really is a pity.

From CoolCleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author at http://NeighborhoodSolutionsIn

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