Thu 10/15 @ 6:30-8PM
Thu 10/22 @ 6:30-8PM
It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything from Akron Honey, the business started by Brent Wesley (also known in his musical life as Wesley Bright) with some beehives in a vacant lot. We’ve missed his updates but he’s just reported in.
“I could think of no better way to re-introduce Akron Honey to you all,” he writes. “This is us. I’m Wesley The Keeper, and this is the fam. We took a long break from emails (2 years) to focus on raising what was then just two kids, but has now turned into the New York Knicks. Two months ago we made the decision to not only take on Akron Honey as a full-time brand, but to create the most exciting and delicious honey brand ever. There, I said it! I appreciate you joining us on this journey. Our site will be up later this month. But until then we partnered with Yelp and are jumping back into the scene with two FREE amazing and mouthwatering live streaming events (virtual). It’s gonna be awesome, so RSVP below already!”
This week on Thursday October 15, he’ll be on Yelp sharing what’s behind being an urban beekeeper. He’ll talk about all the skills and challenges he’s faced inas he’s transformed lots around Akron into bustling apiaries, and then creating market products from the honey. Next week on Thursday October 22, he’ll talk about cooking with honey and show viewer how to whip up a mess of honey-fried chicken with creamy grits.
Head over to Yelp to register.