Transformer Station Reopens with Two New Shows

Fri 9/18-Sun 1/3/21

The Transformation Station in Ohio City extended the run of its last show after a period of closure. But now its back on track, reopening two new shows, organized by the space’s benefactors, Fred and Laura Ruth Bidwell.

ONE: An exhibition of unique objects is a group exhibition, described as featuring “a diverse range of artists who use photography-based tools, materials and processes to create unique objects that blur the lines between photography, painting, craft, and sculpture.” It cuts across the grain of photography as an art with the capacity to produce multiples of the same image, manipulating the underlying images often to the point of severing its recognizability as photography. Most of the pieces are taken from the personal collection of the Bidwells, who are know as among the premiere collectors of photography-based art in this region.

The other show, (Human) Landscapes, by Chicago-based Detroit photographer Dave Jordano, offers a more conventional use of photography. It features 14 nighttime shots of Cleveland, commissioned by the Transformer Station, and taken during 2019.

The shows run through Sunday January 3, 2021.

Transformer Station

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