“Pride Ride” Parade Wends Through Ohio City and Detroit-Shoreway

Saturday 9/12 @ 10AM

Back in the spring, Pride in the CLE, scheduled for June, was pushed to September in the hope that the pandemic would be under control by then. Nope. One of the last Ohio Pride events on the calendar, Cincinnati Pride, pushed to October 3, cancelled last week.

In place of Pride in the CLE, there’ll be a virtual celebration September 25. But you can celebrate in person and wave to your friends from a social distance this Saturday in the first-ever Pride Ride through Ohio City and Gordon Square. Participants are invited to decorate cars, bikes and motorcycles to honk and wave at area residents and businesses who are also encouraged to festoon their storefronts, windows and porches with signifiers of support.

The ride begins at Edgewater Park and ends at the LGBT Center in Gordon Square. Those interested in being IN the parade must pre-register. Go here to do so. Get more information about how it will work and requirements for riders here.



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