Cleveland Play House Kicks Off Theatre Thursday Virtual Series

Thu 9/17 @ 7PM

Remember back in the spring when we figured things would be back to normal for the 2020-21 season for theaters, orchestras and other arts groups? Sadly, that was not to be, and now those groups are trying to adjust and salvage what they can.

For instance, this week, the Cleveland Play House is holding a virtual launch party for its Theatre Thursday series. Artistic director Laura Kepley and her co-host, CPH artistic directing fellow Stori Ayers, will share performances by special guests, for exclusive performances from special guests, previews of future events in their all-digital season, conversation about theater and more. If you’re interested in learning about the nuts-and-bolts of a premiere regional theater — onstage, behind the scenes and out in the community — you’ll want to tune in

Advance registration for the Zoom event is required. It’s pay what you can, with a minimum donation of $5.


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