Weekly Mats & Meows Yoga Series Benefits Animals at Berea Shelter

Sat 9/5 @ 9AM

The whole world has gone to the cats — and one example of this is the craze for cat yoga that’s been sweeping the country. Usually it involves taking a class in a room filled with cats and kittens — all available for adoption, of course — an adorable distraction.

Berea Animal Rescue Friends is doing it a little differently with their new Mat & Meows series, which launches this Saturday, September 5, and continues every Saturday thereafter. It’s virtual, so the only cats distracting you will be your own.

Not only will your $10 donation for each one-hour class session go to help the animals Berea ARF cares for, but the classes will also feature some of the feline residents, many available for adoption.

“This weekly virtual yoga class will not only help support animals we care for, but it will also give our felines enrichment and socialization they need while they wait for their forever homes,” they say.

Registration is required. Go here.


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