CIA Reinberger Gallery Opens Its First Exhibit Since the Shutdown

Work by Emily Mae Smith

Thu 8/20-Sun 10/4

The Cleveland Institute of Art is plowing ahead with the first exhibition of its academic year in its Reinberger Gallery. TITLE TBD, curated by Meghana Karink, is a “multiform” group show featuring work by nine artists or collectives who address “survival journeys of artists navigating a precarious arts ecosystem.”

The exhibit was planned for two years and scheduled to open in March when everything shut down due to the pandemic.

“The works highlight urgent concerns of institutional and historical oppression, conflict transformation and peer support mechanisms,” says the show’s statement. “Relationships between love and labor form the connective tissue, speaking to graduating students as well as arts educators and leaders.”

Artists include Admin, Adult Kindergarten, Thomas Barger, Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo, GenderFail, Jeff Kasper, Ariane Loze, Natalia Nakazawa and Emily Mae Smith.

The exhibit launches online August 20, and will be open to visitors by appointment. It runs through October 4.

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