Western Reserve Historical Society Then and Now Blog Shares Bicycle History


The bicycle came into being in Europe the early 19th century, and went through many permutations — including that one with the giant front wheel you see in amusing antique photos. But cycling really caught on in the 1870s and 1880s, and by 1890 had evolved into something like the precursor of the bikes we have today.

In the 20th century the popularity of biking has had its ups and downs due to various economic, social and geographic conditions. And it’s having an “up” right now due to the pandemic. The Western Reserve Historical Society provides some information on its Then and Now blog about the history of cycling, cycling fashion and even local manufacturing: The Cleveland-based Winton Motor Carriage Company launched as Winton Bicycle Company before turning to auto production in 1897.

Read more here.

Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106

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