Sun 7/5 @ 12:44AM
Observatory events during the next full moon are pretty much booked up, what with limited capacities and all. But observing the moon is something you can do from your lawn, backyard or porch.
The event occurs on Sunday July 5 at 12:44PM.T he July full moon was known to many Native Americans as the Full Buck Moon because that’s when the antlers of stags reached their full growth. It is also known as the Thunder Moon, because July is the month when thunderstorms are most numerous; the Hay Moon, because it’s when farmers cut and cure their hay; and the Wort Moon, with the term “wort” referring to herbs, because July is the peak time to harvest herbs for future use.
Of course, the moon looks full to the eye immediately before and after its peak date and time, so watch a full-looking moon rise at sunset on July 4 too. Will that make up for the cancelled fireworks display?