Nature Center at Shaker Lakes Holds Its Homegrown Plant Sale

Thu 6/11 @ 1-7PM

Maybe all this quarantining has made you lose track of the seasons as well as the days of the week, and you just realized “OMG the weather is warm and I haven’t put anything in my garden yet.”

Don’t worry. While May is traditionally the month for plant sales, the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes (which had its big annual plant sale last month) is offering its Homegrown Plant Sale Thursday June 11. It features plants from local gardens so you know they’re well suited to the native climate. They’re potted and ready to go; wagons are welcome if you have lot of bare spaces to fill. There’s limited parking at the center, but there’ll additional parking on South Park Bouleward. Masks will be required to enter the pavilion, and only ten people will be allowed at one time, so relax and plan to take some time just to breathe in the fresh outdoor air. Members can come early, from 1-2pm. The general public is welcome from 2pm-until whenever everything is sold out.

All proceeds from sales go to benefit the nonprofit Nature Center. And after you’ve loaded the plants in your car, why not take a short hike and see all the good work that money is doing?


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