VIDEO: “No One Can Remember a Time Like This” says Food Bank CEO Kristin Warzocha

Experiencing three-mile-long lines for food, tying up traffic so bad, they had to move the Greater Cleveland Food Bank’s weekly distribution to the City of Cleveland’s Muni parking lots.

But like everyone, the Food Bank is adapting and finding ways to service a doubled demand, a third of whom have never used their services before. On top of that, tens of millions of pounds of food that was being donated has been cut by more than half. CoolCleveland talks with president and CEO Kristin Warzocha about the unprecedented need and what we can all do about it. View the video here.

Because our community has a history of stepping up to help those in need. You can offer a financial donation, drive advocacy with local elected officials, and step up as one of the 1400 volunteers that have had to cancel due to the pandemic. You could even run a virtual food drive, like the photographer who took front porch photos and raised $5000+ for the Food Bank.



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