The fact many, if not most, Trumpists are coming up with all kinds of excuses for their leader’s inane and downright dangerous suggestion that drinking bleach or the injection of other harmful chemicals into the body as a cure for coronavirus should be the “smoking gun,” the proof-positive that they’ve gone through the looking glass and are now existing in another — very dangerous —dimension. If this isn’t bat-shit crazy — then what-the-hell is?
It would be laughable if it wasn’t so downright dangerous. The willful blindness of the supporters of the most absurdist and possibly most dangerous person to ever occupy high office in the history of the world — yes, even surpassing Caligula, Attila the Hun, and fast closing in on Adolph Hitler — is nothing short of astounding.
But this time he went so far into outer space with his inane, off-the-cuff ramblings that later, when he came back down to terra firma, even he couldn’t believe his own bullshit as he later tried to backtrack and explain away by claiming that he was only being “sarcastic”. However, here’s the dangerous part: Many of his hardcore followers nodded knowingly at his comments (between sips of Clorox) while positing that their leader is the smartest man that ever bestrode the earth.
So eager are his followers to put their own lives at risk by lifting the quarantine — a move they are positive will get him reelected — they care zero about the deaths of others, especially now that statistics clearly show the majority of the deaths from the virus is occurring among old people, prisoners, blacks and foreign-born workers at food processing plants.
These tRump followers’ thinking bears a stark and troubling resemblance to that of suicide bombers; they don’t mind dying to achieve their ultimate goal of white domination of America, which makes them dangerous indeed. The only parallel to this level of callous disregard for human suffering and needless death is the horrific policies of the Nazis during the Holocaust.
If this maniac is somehow reelected heaven help America.
One Response to “MANSFIELD: Just Sip, Don’t Guzzle”
Hank Wait
Spot on Mansfield. Sadly I think his re-election is going to happen. I hope to God I am wrong.