MANSFIELD: Bernie Bows Out and Biden Should Too


As Bernie Sanders, the candidate with the brightest ideas bows out, winnowing the Democratic field for the presidency down to one, it would be a smart move for Joe Biden to also drop out of the race. It’s not that I think he can’t beat the orange-faced, blood-on-his-hands demon currently in the White House (I think he can) but then, it just might be wistful thinking on my part since I so badly want the cancerous canker removed from the body politic.

While Sanders was (and is) far more representative of my political ideals and beliefs than any of the other candidates, my pragmatism informs me the American electorate is not yet ready to embrace the social and political changes he represents. And yes, Biden is the best candidate to emerge from the Democratic field. But that doesn’t make him the best candidate to run against tRump for the White House.

New York governor Andrew Cuomo, due to his adroit handling of the pandemic in New York City, has emerged as the best person Democrats could pick to head their ticket, with of course my favorite pick for V.P., Michelle Obama, no matter who heads the ticket. But this is not about to happen because the Democratic Party is, well, too damn democratic.

Instead of pragmatic party elders stepping to Joe Biden and politely (or at least as politely as possible while still accomplishing the task) asking him to step aside, the Democrats will take the risk of going into the presidential election with less than their best candidate simply because they are not tough-minded enough to do the hard, but right, thing. Tis the pity of being America’s weaker-minded political party.

While Cuomo is not without some political baggage of his own, he has nothing like the multiple steamer trunks of questionable political decisions Biden is weighed down with pulling around. But more importantly, other than being on the campaign trail, what face time has the public had with Uncle Joe? What has he done lately other than campaign?

Additionally, while Biden can probably do a pretty good job of mud wrestling with tRump (trust me, this is going to be by far the ugliest presidential contest in our nation’s history) this fall, Cuomo matches up much better and is not prone to the senior moments that afflict Biden from time to time.

And even if the Democrats stick with Biden, they could still assure victory by forcing Michelle Obama to join the ticket as V.P. Yes, I said “force” as in, don’t take no for an answer. After all, she lives in the country too, doesn’t she? As a candidate she wouldn’t have to even have to go out and campaign or attend rallies since just her name on the ballot will assure the largest possible black turnout. And since the white vote is going to most likely be split right down the middle, the black vote will determine the outcome of the election — if enough of us turn out to vote.

If the Democrats don’t know how to make “an offer they can’t refuse” to Joe Biden and Michelle Obama to do the right thing — in the name of what’s best for the nation — then perhaps they simply are not a party that’s strong enough to be entrusted with the task of running the country.

From CoolCleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author at http://NeighborhoodSolutionsIn

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2 Responses to “MANSFIELD: Bernie Bows Out and Biden Should Too”

  1. The Fourth Horseman

    Why would Andrew Cuomo give up being the leader of 20 million highly educated, young, energetic, optimistic go-getters who produce $2 Trillion of goods and services a year to take over the leadership of a tapped-out, tired, old, failed state?

    And why would Michelle Obama want to play second banana to anyone? Sorry, Mansfield, but instead of worrying about the United States of America, why don’t you start worrying about what comes next?

  2. Mario

    Not sure if it’s too late late for that. I’d vote for Cuomo, but you are right in saying it will get nasty. I hope Biden and the Dems can kick this asshole,Trumples, in the balls, figuratively, and keep kicking. Might as well be shameless,the Republicons are.

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